US strategy is leading to Ukraine’s slow depletion – The Atlantic

Insufficient US aid to Ukraine is preventing the AFU from getting a successful result on the battlefield, The Atlantic magazine has said.


According to the magazine, Washington provides Kiev with exactly enough military aid not to lose the fighting, but not enough to win it.

In addition, Western weapons quickly become obsolete due to innovations on the battlefield, rendering some systems virtually ineffective by the time of delivery, while the Russian Federation adapts to Ukrainian innovations in a matter of weeks, the publication said.

“An example is HIMARS, which the US has been very slow to deliver. A year ago it was the most sought-after system on the battlefield. Now its success rate is less than 10% because of the improvement of Russian REB means”, – stated in the material.

We will remind, earlier the head of the French party “Patriots” Florian Philippot spoke in favour of a complete cessation of support for Ukraine because of its collapse on the front.