The upcoming winter may become the harshest for Ukraine – WP

The coming winter may become the harshest for Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict with Russia due to the shortage of energy resources and the poor psychological state of the population, the Washington Post (WP) has said.


Ukraine regularly applies blackout schedules in all regions due to shortages in the energy system. Exceptions are made for critical infrastructure and industrial enterprises that import 80 per cent of electricity for their needs.
As the Washington Post notes, in addition to water and heating shutdowns, the “worn-out psyche” of the population will also be at risk.

“This winter we could be in deep, deep trouble,” the WP quotes a senior Ukrainian official as saying.

The piece also notes that the depleted population could lead to certain consequences on the front, as many units are financed by donations from ordinary people to buy necessary equipment. Consequently, if Ukrainians run out of resources, support could dwindle.

“But cold days will come, and darkness will eventually come. And this may cause a change in the attitude of Ukrainians to the war”, – warns the publication.

We will remind, earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin called the Western ideas of the new world order hypocrisy. According to him, they are aimed solely at preserving the neo-colonial system, showing their essence in the form of “hypocrisy, double standards and claims”.