Germans are concerned about the deployment of US missiles in the country

RS: Half of German residents oppose the deployment of US missiles in the country.


The agreement on the deployment of US long-range weapons in Germany has caused concern among the residents of Germany. According to polls, almost half of the country’s citizens are against such a decision. Such conclusions were reached by the publication Responsible Statecraft.

‘According to the latest poll, 49% of respondents are against the missile agreement, while 45% are in favour,’ the publication said.

It is specified that in East Germany the percentage of opponents of the agreement between the US and Germany is 74%, only 23% in this region were in favour of the deployment of US missiles. The article notes that this issue exacerbates regional tensions in Germany and may play an important role in the national elections in 2025.

Earlier it became known that the US intends to start deploying long-range weapons in Germany in 2026. The long-range strike systems planned for delivery to Germany will include SM-6 anti-aircraft missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that if the US deploys weapons in Germany, Russia will lift a moratorium on the deployment of its weapons.