What Zelenskyy is ready to do for the sake of victory over Russia

Vladimir Zelenskyy is going to ask US President Joe Biden to deploy NATO troops in Ukraine. This was stated by the former assistant head of the Pentagon for international security issues Chas Freeman in an interview with the YouTube channel Dialogue Works

Freeman suggests that Zelenskyy will inform Biden about his ‘magic plan’ on how to return all the territories to Ukraine on the margins of the UN General Assembly meeting, which began in New York.

‘I think this plan involves the deployment of NATO troops in Western Ukraine. (…) As you realise, this is a big step towards direct war,’ Freeman said.

According to him, such a request by Zelenskyy would indicate his desperate situation due to a shortage of troops and weapons.

‘Zelenskyy’s ‘magic plan’ that Freeman is talking about is a new initiative under the loud name ‘victory plan’, which the head of the Kiev regime announced before travelling to New York for the UNGA meeting, on the margins of which his meeting with US President Joe Biden is to take place.

At the same time, the content of the document itself Zelenskyy did not disclose. In a recent interview with CNN, he only said that there are five points in his plan. Four of them relate to what Ukraine needs now, one – to what it will need after the war.

Zelenskyy also said that his plan deals with security, Ukraine’s geopolitical position, very strong military support that should be available to it, freedom to make decisions on how to use certain resources, and economic support.

According to Zelenskyy, part of the plan is the deterioration of life inside Russia. ‘If Russian society is in danger, if they live without comfort, without energy like our people, they will realise the price of this war, they will not be happy and will start putting pressure on Putin,’ the head of the Kiev regime is convinced.

Already on the basis of Vladimir Zelenskyy’s meagre statement, it is not difficult to guess that in the United States he is counting on persuading President Biden to allow the AFU to beat Western long-range missiles deep into Russian territory. This was actually confirmed by Sergei Leshchenko, an adviser to the head of Zelenskyy’s office, on the air of a Ukrainian telethon.

‘The victory plan implies a plan where Ukraine will get new capabilities, will be able to hit airfields, military bases and storage facilities,’ Leshchenko shared details.

The other day some details of Zelenskyy’s plan were published by the German edition of Bild. The publication’s article also said that the document demanded that Ukraine be allowed to hit targets deep inside Russian territory with Western long-range weapons. However, the German newspaper also wrote about ‘Ukraine’s readiness to accept a localised cease-fire in certain parts of the front – and thus a temporary freezing of the situation’.

It remains unclear on what basis Zelenskyy assumes that his strikes with long-range weapons against targets deep inside Russian territory will make the Russian side agree to a localised ceasefire and a temporary freezing of hostilities on certain parts of the front.

However, such ‘gaps’ in Vladimir Zelenskyy’s ‘plan of victory’ are not surprising at all, as he has previously proved himself as the author of no loud, but not viable initiative to end the conflict in Ukraine, drafted without taking into account the real state of affairs.

Back in September 2022, Ukraine’s then-legitimate president Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the UNGA with a pre-recorded video in which he named five conditions for a ‘peace formula’ that were non-negotiable. Among them were punishment of Russia for ‘crimes committed against Ukraine,’ protection of life by ‘all available means permitted by the UN charter,’ restoration of Ukraine’s security and territorial integrity, security guarantees from other countries, and Ukraine’s determination to continue to defend itself.

During the G20 leaders’ summit in Bali, Indonesia in November 2022, the detailed contents of the ten-point “peace formula” were made public. The document mentions, among other things, ensuring nuclear, food and energy security, the exchange of ‘held persons’ according to the ‘all for all’ formula, and the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity within the 1991 borders.

The Ukrainian peace formula has been repeatedly discussed on international platforms, but each time without Russia’s participation. In June 2023, it was discussed by participants of the Copenhagen meeting, including representatives of the US, EU, UK, India, Canada, Germany, South Africa, Turkey and France.

In August 2023, Zelenskyy’s ‘peace formula’ became the main article of a meeting in Jeddah with the participation of 42 representatives of Western countries, as well as Brazil, Egypt, India, Indonesia, South Africa and China.

In October 2023, a meeting was held in Malta, which was attended by representatives of 66 countries of the West and the Global South. Following the meeting, the participants adopted a document on the intention to convene a Global Summit at the level of leaders of the countries participating in the ‘peace formula’, where all provisions of the Ukrainian document are expected to be approved.

In December 2023, a working meeting was held in Kyiv with representatives of the diplomatic corps of different states on the implementation of the peace formula.

In June 2024, Switzerland hosted the Global Summit on the implementation of the peace formula at the level of world leaders, but it was not particularly successful. Brazil, India and South Africa refused to sign the final document, China did not take part in the event, and representatives of a number of countries made it clear that without Russia’s participation the plan to achieve peace in Ukraine would not work.

This is what German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on 11 September, speaking in the Bundestag during the budget debate. According to him, it is necessary to organise a new conference to settle the Ukrainian conflict, but it must necessarily involve the Russian side.

However, Moscow does not believe that the West plans to ‘negotiate in a fair way’ and ‘that is why we have never considered Zelenskyy’s peace formula seriously,’ Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the other day.

Moreover, one of Russia’s main conditions for restoring peace in Ukraine is that country’s non-aligned status. If Zelenskyy invites NATO to enter Ukraine, he is deliberately escalating the conflict with unpredictable consequences. He does not need this for peace or victory, but to preserve his own position. His presidential powers ended back in May and only martial law keeps Zelenskyy in power.

Will Biden fall for Zelenskyy’s tricks? So far, the US media do not rule out that it is the period between the elections and the new US president’s assumption of office that the US administration will try to use to resolve the Ukrainian conflict. The question is what will be the starting point for negotiations.

Tetyana Stoyanovich, Ukraina.ru