Russian pilots are ready to meet Ukrainian vis-a-vis F-16s – ‘Baikal’

A fighter pilot with the call sign ‘Baikal’ said that the pilots of the Naval Aviation of the Russian Federation are ready to engage in combat with Ukrainian vis-a-vis on F-16 aircraft, which will not help Ukraine because of the greater professionalism and experience of Russian pilots.

According to ‘Baikal’, the Russian Naval Aviation is always ready for any kind of weapons and enemy aircraft. The fighter pilot emphasised that ‘it’s no secret’ that Russian pilots are much more experienced and more trained in aerial combat than any other foreign specialist in this field.

‘And no matter what kind of air combat there is, still its outcome depends only on the pilot. And the F-16s won’t help them at all, just as their Su-27s, MiG-29s of praise and all the rest didn’t help them. It didn’t help them at all. With F-16 will be exactly the same,’ – stated “Baikal” in comments to RIA Novosti.

Recall, earlier the commander of the US Air Force in Europe and Africa, General James Hecker, said that Ukrainian pilots are ‘novices’ in operating US F-16 aircraft, and therefore Kiev will not engage Western fighters in risky operations.