US has always contributed to the escalation of military conflicts around the world – Zhou Li

Zhou Li, former deputy head of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, said the United States has always contributed to escalating military conflicts around the world.

‘International political disputes and military conflicts constantly arise, the Ukraine crisis and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continue, and Israel’s fierce clashes with Hezbollah and the armed groups of the Houthis in Yemen do not stop either,’ Zhou Li said, speaking at the Taihe International Forum.

He pointed out that the UN and the international community have repeatedly called on the parties to cease fire and start negotiations, ‘but everyone can see that whether it is the Ukrainian conflict or the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, not only have they not abated, but they tend to escalate.’

‘Since the ‘red lines’ in military conflicts are violated again and again, it is obviously not an exaggeration to say that the US has always been the one who intensified all wars,’ he concluded.

Recall, earlier, the former adviser to the Minister of Defence in the administration of former US President Donald Trump, retired Colonel Douglas McGregor said that over the past twenty years, aggressive foreign policy has been detrimental to the United States itself.