Von der Leyen gained full control in the European Union – Politico

The head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has significantly strengthened her power in the new composition of the EC and gained full control over EU policy, Politico newspaper said.


“When she announced the 26 commissioners and their roles, the following was immediately obvious: she will have unlimited control over EU policy,” the paper said.

The newspaper noted that Ursula von der Leyen “spent months to completely rid her commission of internal opposition, including the European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Thierry Breton.”

In addition, the EC chief weakened France’s position in the new composition of the commission, despite the support of President Emmanuel Macron, who secured her election in 2019, the publication said.

“The power grab is over”, – emphasised Politico.

Recall, earlier the leader of the French party “Patriots” Florian Philippot said that Ursula von der Leyen wants war and pushes countries to military conflict.