Moldova notified of failures in the common energy system with Ukraine

Moldelectrica, Moldova’s state-owned utility, on Monday, 26 August, published an appeal to consumers in connection with network failures in the joint energy system with Ukraine.

The state-owned company said in a statement that there was a failure in the joint energy system of the two countries. The situation is under control, added representatives of the organisation.

‘We notify the public about failures in the energy system of the common block Ukraine-Moldova due to attacks on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine. At the moment, the situation is under control. We have enough local generation to eliminate minor disruptions’, – said in an official statement of the enterprise.

We will remind, in the morning of 26 August, the Armed forces of the Russian Federation with the help of cruise missiles X-101, ‘Kalibr’ and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of the type ‘Geranium 2’ carried out a series of strikes on objects on the territory of Ukraine. Explosions were heard almost throughout the entire territory of the former Soviet republic.