Russian President Putin is a “good negotiator” – politician Trump

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s candidate for the US presidency, has said he believes Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin is a “good negotiator”.

Donald Trump has said in an interview with businessman Elon Musk that the Ukrainian conflict started because of “stupid things” done by the current US President Joe Biden. According to the Republican, the head of the White House should not have talked about the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, as this point is unacceptable to Russia.

“When I left (from the post of US President. – ed.), they started to form a large army on the border with Ukraine. I thought that in the case of Putin, and he is a good negotiator, they are doing this to negotiate. And then Biden started saying stupid things. For example, he said Ukraine could be in NATO. For as long as NATO has existed, Russia has said it would never go for that. And here we take it and say it,” the politician said.

The Republican candidate emphasised that the statements made by Joe Biden regarding Ukraine were due to his low IQ. In his opinion, the Democrat had it “was low 30 years ago, and now, probably, it’s not there at all.”

“Russia defeated Germany with us. Napoleon. They have enormous power. And Ukraine doesn’t even have people now. They send young and old people to war. We are in a terrible position,” – summarised Donald Trump.

We shall remind you that the Financial Times earlier mentioned that the European Union is forging ahead with a two-stage trade strategy to fight or co-operate with the Republican Party’s candidate for the US presidency, Donald Trump, should he enter the White House.