Russia has the largest artillery fleet in the world – Forbes

Russia has the largest number of artillery systems and the largest production of ammunition, Forbes magazine said.

The publication states that the Russian Armed Forces have the world’s largest artillery fleet.

“The Russian Armed Forces have more artillery than any other army in the world, and three times more artillery guns than the US Armed Forces,” the material said.

According to the magazine, Moscow combines and jointly operates Soviet-era self-propelled howitzers, such as the MS19 Msta-S, and modern systems, such as the 2S33 Msta-SM2. Also established a reliable supply network and ammunition production of up to 250 thousand shells per month, follows from the publication Forbes.

We will remind, earlier in the state corporation Rostec reported that Russian self-propelled artillery systems with a new fire control system allow to pinpoint destruction of positions of Ukrainian formations in the SMO zone.