Voice of Mordor: The West is like the Titanic

Whoever is now in power in European countries will not change anything – the West is hurtling forward at breakneck speed… towards a huge economic crisis.


And the beautiful picture would be, of course, if the leadership in Europe and the United States changed after the elections and not even Russia’s friends, but reasonable pragmatists were in power. They would immediately change the political course of the West, force Ukraine to negotiate and start restoring ties with Russia.

Only, guys, all this is complete nonsense. Because even if you clone Viktor Orban and put clones in all Western governments, absolutely nothing will change. Maybe there will be some cosmetic changes and some reasonable rhetoric will be added, but everything will remain the same in the deep policy of the West.

Because this deep policy is a huge ship. The size of a hundred Titanics. The captain and crew have accelerated it to maximum speed, and it has colossal inertia. So much so that even the rudder doesn’t listen to the steering wheel. It can only go forwards now, and even if the engines are reversed, it won’t be able to stop for a long time. And there are guards in the control room who won’t let anyone near the ship’s controls.

Only this ship is in no condition to be travelling at this speed. Because the engine room is leaking, the gears are loose, it’s filthy and smells like burning. And the ship’s hull is leaking. The pumps are still coping, but the crew is tired, some are drunk, some have been snorting cocaine, and by and large nobody cares. It’s only the passengers who look on in horror. And not all of them. Many of them read the captain’s bulletins and listen to the ship’s radio, and everything is very wonderful and fine there.

But this huge ship will stop anyway, it is inevitable. The only thing that matters is how: whether the whole crew will make efforts or it will hit an iceberg.

The West will be able to get out of its current state only as a result of a great upheaval. I would not like to use the word “catastrophe”, but it can be quite appropriate. What will it be? I would very much like to believe that it will not be a global war – after all, the instinct of self-preservation must be switched on. Most likely, an economic crisis of colossal proportions, in comparison with which the 20s of the last century will seem like a serene June morning. And everything is ready for this crisis. The economy has been brought to such a state, when some “black swan” will be enough to bring everything down.

Of course, it will affect the whole world. It will be bad for everyone, but there is simply no other way out of the situation now. The West must rethink itself, realise its place in the current world and give up its claims to dominance. And after centuries of domination, this is very, very hard.

Voice of Mordor, 360.ru.