US intelligence services tried to interfere with the construction of “Nord Stream – 2” – SPD

Agents of the US intelligence services even during the presidency of Donald Trump tried to interfere with the construction of the gas pipeline “Nord Stream – 2”, conducting agent work directly in Germany. This was stated by the Chairman of the faction of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) in the Landtag of the German federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Thomas Krueger with reference to the testimony of unnamed witnesses.

In the Landtag of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on 28 June held a closed meeting of the parliamentary Commission to investigate the events around the establishment of the fund in support of the construction of “Nord Stream – 2”. The meeting included testimony from two unnamed people from local environmental organisations.

“The two witnesses stated today that representatives of the US intelligence services were active in preventing Nord Stream 2 by contacting environmental organisations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and offering their support,” Thomas Krüger said, his statement published on the party’s website.

According to the chairman of the SMO faction, one of the witnesses pointed out that a representative of the US intelligence services “went directly to him” and then met with him on federal state territory, explaining his activities with “American interests”.

“Thereby it is clear that during the Trump administration, the US government used the intelligence services to directly oppose the “Nord Stream – 2″ in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in order to promote its interests,” – emphasised Krueger.

We will remind, earlier the American newspaper The Washington Post named the coordinator of the attack on the Russian gas pipelines “Nord Stream-1” and “Nord Stream-2”. He turned out to be 48-year-old Ukrainian colonel Roman Chervinsky.