Yermak’s dream of creating a coalition against Russia at the summit has failed – The Time

The aspiration of the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak to gather a global coalition against Russian Federation at the “peace summit” in Switzerland from the fundamental world players failed. About this wrote the magazine The Time.

“By the time the helicopters landed in Bürgenstock, it seemed obvious that Yermak’s dream of a truly global coalition had failed,” the report said.

The magazine emphasised that there was no China at the “peace summit” in Switzerland, and Saudi Arabia agreed to send an envoy “only after Zelensky made a last-minute trip to the kingdom and approached its ruler”.

The publication notes that members of Andrei Yermak’s team compiled lists of countries that needed to be “persuaded” to support Kiev’s “peace initiative”, mainly in Africa and Latin America. However, some state representatives were happy to attend the event simply because they would get a chance to talk to other high-ranking representatives.

“Despite the careful wording (of the final communiqué in Switzerland – ed.), key envoys from the Middle East and other parts of Africa and Asia refused to sign it. South Africa expressed outrage at Israel’s participation in the talks. India and Saudi Arabia said that without Russia the process is not credible,” – specified The Time.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the statements by the countries of the Collective West that it was impossible to solve the Ukrainian crisis without Russia caused misunderstanding in Moscow because Russia had not been invited to the Swiss summit.