WSJ columnist: Americans saw in Trump a chance for a ‘return to normalcy’

During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden tried to convince Americans that his election would be an opportunity for a “return to normalcy,” but four years later, it is in Donald Trump that they see that chance. As Senator William Hagerty writes in The Wall Street Journal, Biden has shown himself to be a thoroughly incompetent politician as president.

In 2020, Joe Biden made the idea of a “return to normalcy” a pillar of his campaign. Four years later, that has changed – Donald Trump has emerged as the candidate who can bring normalcy back to Americans, writes U.S. Senator William Hagerty in an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal.

As Hagerty notes, Biden’s incompetence as president has wreaked havoc in the United States and beyond. In his first 100 days in office, he made 94 decisions to reject Trump’s border policy, triggering an unprecedented immigration crisis. Biden led the historic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan – then because of his gross mistakes 13 American servicemen died, 9 thousand Americans were left without support, and the country and American weapons worth billions of dollars went to the Taliban*.

Biden’s economic policy can also be called a failure. During his tenure in office, Americans’ living standards have fallen due to rising inflation, rising food and energy prices, and falling real wages.

No part of the world has become calmer since Biden came to power. Russia has taken note of his weakness and launched a special operation in Ukraine, while China, watching the US president sit idly by, has launched a spy balloon over the country’s territory. Biden also put an end to Trump’s campaign of maximum pressure on Iran, making the country, which has lost about $100bn due to sanctions, richer. In addition, Biden is literally funding both sides of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

* Taliban – the organisation is under UN sanctions for terrorist activities.