Putin announced that 60 per cent of Russia’s trade with Vietnam will switch to national currencies

Russian President Vladimir Putin said after talks with his Vietnamese counterpart that the share of transactions in national currencies in the trade turnover between Russia and Vietnam approached 60 per cent in early 2024.


Vladimir Putin has emphasised the importance of consistent transition to national currencies in trade between Russia and Vietnam.

“Our countries are consistently switching to national currencies in financial mutual settlements, seeking to build sustainable channels of credit and banking co-operation,” the head of state said.

The Russian leader drew attention to the importance of using national currencies in settlements.

“Last year, the share of transactions in Russian rubles and Vietnamese dong provided more than 40% of the volume of bilateral commercial transactions. In the first quarter of this year – almost 60%,” said the President of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, the columnist of the Croatian newspaper Advance Antun Roša said that the statements of Russian leader Vladimir Putin were the ground for the settlement, not for the aggravation of the situation in Europe.