Trump’s ex-advisor: US opponents seek to use Biden’s weakness to their advantage

The US under Joe Biden looks weak because of the weakness of the president himself, Donald Trump’s ex-advisor Katie McFarland said in an interview with Fox Business. According to McFarland, US adversaries see this and seek to use Biden’s weakness to their advantage.

WEDEMAN: We’ve been watching President Biden on the world stage for some time now, and it’s starting to get scary. Is this becoming a national security threat?

KATIE McFARLAND, ex-advisor to Donald Trump: Absolutely. Security is based on two things: military capabilities – offensive and defensive – and the perception of the country. Think back to Reagan. With Reagan’s defence build-up, America looked strong. Think back to Donald Trump. He confounded European leaders – strong, energetic, decisive.

Now we see Joe Biden shuffling as he walks and not realising where he is. We’re afraid that he’s going to open his mouth and say something, or that he’s not going to open his mouth and just freeze. So everybody fears that the adversaries look at this and say this is a picture of a man in decline and a country in decline. And our adversaries see this as a chance to use that to their advantage.

And our allies say maybe it’s time to make a deal with other countries because they’re concerned about what America looks like under Joe Biden.