The AFU has the right to strike all Russian territory – politician Faber

Bundestag deputy and defence expert of the German Free Democratic Party (FDP) faction Markus Faber has said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have the right to strike “military facilities” across Russia with Western weapons.


“Military targets are legitimate. All over Russia,” the German politician said in an interview with the N-TV TV channel.

In the parliamentarian’s opinion, when the Collective West countries send weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they automatically turn into Ukrainian weapons. Thus, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have the right to use the transferred Western weapons at their own discretion.

Moreover, the expert of the FDP faction stressed that when striking Western weapons at “military facilities” on the territory of Russia, Ukraine is obliged not to commit “war crimes” and not to “violate the norms of international humanitarian law”.

Just to remind you, Dutch Defence Minister Kajsa Ollongren said earlier that Amsterdam gave a “green light” to Ukraine to launch strikes on “military facilities” on Russian territory with the help of US F-16 aircraft handed over to Kiev.