Security treaty between the USA and Ukraine has no legal force – Russian Foreign Ministry

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that the agreements on security guarantees signed by Ukraine and the USA on 13 June were “about nothing” and “have no legal force”.


“The thing is, they’re just ordinary pieces of paper. In principle, I don’t want to belittle the importance of working with the press, but somewhere I think press releases are even more important. Because they carry a certain essence, a charge, they reflect the events that have taken place. These agreements are about nothing, they have no legal force,” the diplomat told reporters.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman emphasised that the signed agreements on security guarantees were necessary to demonstrate to the remaining Ukrainian citizens, “whom Zelenskyy has not yet put under the knife, that the world community is sort of with them”.

“Including, I think, that they need it to come to the so-called conference in Switzerland with some developments, again of a quasi-legal nature,” Maria Zakharova concluded.

Earlier, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasiliy Nebenzya, said that the “peace conference” in Switzerland, which was organised by Ukraine with the support of the collective West, was another attempt to “eyewash”.