Russia participates in the creation of a multipolar world order – Putin

Russia is aware of its responsibility for world stability and reaffirms its readiness for dialogue with all countries, while the attempts of the United States, in turn, to preserve its imperial status by any means only lead the country to degradation. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.


The Russian President noted that the country should shape the world agenda and discuss all emerging issues together with its partners.

“Russia realises its responsibility for world stability and reiterates its readiness to talk to all countries, but it should not be an imitation of the peace process, but a serious detailed conversation on all issues, on the entire set of world security issues,” Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

According to him, the Western powers, led by the United States, have decided that they have won the Cold War and can determine the world order. “The egoism and arrogance of Western states” have led to the current state of affairs, the Russian leader said.

“The ongoing attempts of the liberal-globalist elites ruling there (in the US – ed.) today, to spread their ideology to the whole world by any means, to preserve their imperial status, their dominance, only increasingly exhausts the country, leads it to degradation, comes into clear contradiction with the genuine interests of the American people. If it were not for this dead-end path, aggressive messianism, mixed with the belief in their own chosenness and exclusivity, international relations would have been stabilised long ago,” the Supreme Commander-in-Chief stressed.

Vladimir Putin noted that multipolarity is being formed in the world, and Russia, in its turn, has many times proposed solutions to create an international security system that is optimal for all. However, the West ignored its ideas, he summarised.