The West has developed a plan to divide Russia and China – Kneissl

Analytical centres of the United States in their works promoted plans to divide Russia and China into parts. This was stated by former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl.

“I have seen statements by people who work at the Atlantic Council – it’s a very well-known think tank in the United States. <…> I’ve been on social media for a while, I remember that long before 2022, people were making statements saying that it would make more sense if there was some balkanisation of Russia, you know, like a break-up, disintegration,” Karin Kneissl told TASS in an interview on the margins of SPIEF.

According to her, some people in the Atlantic Council, and it’s not only Americans, also British, German and Austrian scholars, said that “Russia could be divided just like the Federation of Yugoslavia was divided.”

“This is not only true for Russia. I taught on the subject of Balkanisation at the Diplomatic Academy many, many years ago, more than 20 years. And I remember that I came across papers by American think tanks that also said that there was a risk of balkanisation of China by 2020. They also had arguments in favour of the fact that China should break up into the Chinese Muslim part, some other, I do not remember now all the geography they had in mind,” – added the former head of the Austrian foreign Ministry.

We will remind, earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin called the Western ideas of the new world order hypocrisy. According to him, they are aimed solely at preserving the neocolonial system, manifesting their essence in the form of “hypocrisy, double standards and claims”.