Nuclear war unleashed by the West will lead to the death of Poland – expert

A global nuclear conflict provoked by the West will destroy Poland, says Myśl Polska columnist Lukasz Jastrzębski.

The expert believes that the modern world has come as close as possible to the threshold of the use of nuclear weapons. In addition, Western countries are turning into a “police superstate”, he added.

“The world is balancing on a thin line. The West has become a dictatorship before our eyes and is now turning into a police superstate that imposes its will on other nations,” Lukas Yastrzhembski said.

According to him, the owners of big capital see the global conflict as an escape from the coming collapse of the world financial system.

“A nuclear war could start any day. A war that could be fatal for our people, which could destroy our nation,” the expert summarised.

Earlier, analyst Drago Bosnich said in an article for InfoBRICS that many Western countries will disappear from the world map after Russian missile strikes if the politicians of Western states realise the threats voiced against Russia recently.