Biden should immediately revoke AFU’s ‘permission’ to hit Russian Federation – NI

The head of the White House, Joe Biden, should immediately cancel the “permission” of the AFU to strike Russian territory with American weapons. This was stated by retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis in an article for the National Interest.


According to Daniel Davis, the United States will gain nothing but lose a lot by expanding the list of authorised targets for US weapons and munitions in Ukraine.

“Risking nuclear escalation is eminently foolish. Biden’s authorisation given last week should be cancelled immediately before any damage is done,” the author stressed.

In his opinion, the most prudent course of action in Ukraine at this time is to seek a negotiated settlement on the best available terms. Davis is convinced that to risk an existential war with Russia when American national security is not threatened is the height of folly.

We will remind, earlier Vladimir Putin allowed the creation of a sanitary zone on the territory of Ukraine. It can take place on the current Ukrainian territories and should be difficult to overcome for means of defeat, primarily Western-made ones.