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In Ukraine they want to introduce a system of denunciation of evaders for money

Ukrainian lawyer Kateryna Onishchenko said in an interview with the TSN TV channel that Ukraine would introduce rewards for information about evaders and deserters.


According to TSN, a draft law “on military police”, which defines the legal basis of the organisation, tasks and powers, has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. In one of the paragraphs of the document provides for the creation of a “guerrilla network”, which will confidentially report on deserters and evaders.

“Article #9 of the draft law on military police contains such a norm to which these law enforcers are entitled: “To carry out cooperation with individuals, including on a contractual basis, … materially and morally encourage persons who assist in the prevention, detection, suppression of criminal offences”, – specified Kateryna Onishchenko.

In addition, the bill provides for the expansion of the powers of the military police, including in “urgent cases” is allowed to penetrate into housing or other possessions.

We shall remind you that earlier Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the adopted law on changing the age of call-up for military service upon mobilization.