Media learnt about Biden’s secret deal with Germany

SZ: Biden made serious concessions to Germany on the construction of Nord Stream 2

US President Joe Biden has compromised with German authorities on the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung reported, citing secret documents that the country’s economy ministry provided to the publication under a court order.

“It is under Biden that the changes begin. <…> The sanctions have been lifted, and Nord Stream 2 AG (the operator of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. – Editor’s note) avoids punishment,” the article emphasised.

It is noted that the former US President Donald Trump was strongly opposed to the construction of the pipeline, but it was under Biden that the situation changed. The current American leader wanted to “establish relations with German friends, despite the fact that he himself was critical of the pipeline”, emphasised the publication. The publication also revealed quite a few documents showing Berlin’s contacts with Washington on the Nord Stream 2 issue.

Explosions at two Russian gas export pipelines to Europe – Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 – occurred on 26 September 2022. Germany, Denmark and Sweden have not ruled out targeted sabotage. Nord Stream AG, the operator of Nord Stream, reported that the damage at the pipelines was unprecedented and that it was impossible to estimate the timeframe for repairs. The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office initiated a case of an act of international terrorism.