Beijing will continue to promote Ukraine talks – Chinese Foreign Ministry

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that China would continue to promote peace talks on the Ukrainian conflict, maintaining interaction with all sides.


“We will continue to push forward the peace talks in our own way, maintaining interaction with all sides and jointly creating conditions for a political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis,” Mao Ning said at a briefing.

The diplomat pointed out that the agenda of the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland diverges from China’s requirements and the expectations of the international community, which is why it is difficult for Beijing to participate in such a meeting.

She recalled that Beijing had always insisted that an international peace conference should include three important elements: recognition by both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties and impartial discussion of all peace initiatives.

Earlier, the Chinese newspaper Global Times wrote that the West’s attempts to increase sanctions pressure on Russia and China would not succeed. In its opinion, Beijing is determined to protect its interests, and Russian-Chinese relations show great potential.