Biden has been flirting with young voters in every possible way to win their support in the upcoming elections to somehow save his unsuccessful campaign, The Washington Times writes. However, all his actions have failed to win over young people to his side. Biden’s rating is steadily trending downwards, blaming his age, failures in the economy and unfulfilled promises.
President Biden is desperately trying to salvage his failed campaign. To do so, he is taking steps to appeal to younger voters. However, this has not helped, and the decline in his support among young people has been the largest of any Democratic group, The Washington Times writes.
For example, Biden has reclassified marijuana as a less dangerous drug, stepped up efforts to forgive student loan debt, changed policy on Israel, and demanded lower ticket prices for concerts. Yet all these efforts have failed to win young people over to his side. This is despite the fact that in 2020, young voters chose Biden over Trump.
This time it’s very different, WT states. According to polls, Trump is ahead of Biden among voters under 30. At the same time, everyone habitually refers to the age of the current president, high housing costs and failure to fulfil campaign promises.
The publication notes that the data of polls vary. Thus, one of them showed that Biden is behind Trump by 11 points among people aged 18 to 34 years. Another that Trump is ahead by 2 points among millennials and Generation Z, including those aged 18 to 27
Experts say the situation is complicated by a blurred view of young voters, who now don’t hold as liberal views as they used to among young people.
For example, a recent Gallup poll found that 47 per cent of Generation Z identify as Democrats and 39 per cent as Republicans. Previously, the popularity of Democrats in this age group was 23% higher.
“All Americans are results-oriented, and this generation is no different. They want results and are frustrated because the president has talked a lot but has only delivered on some of his promises,” Democratic strategist Brad Bannon explained to WT.
Ignite National, a company that researches youth political participation, surveyed 1,300 members of Generation Z across the country. It turns out their party affiliation is roughly in line with older voters.
Male and white voters were split about evenly between Democrats and Republicans. Blacks and women overwhelmingly identify as Democrats. Meanwhile, 90% of the younger generation believes they want younger candidates.
More than 80% of voters under 30 said Biden is too old to be president. About Trump, 61% of respondents think so. The current White House master is implementing many measures to get the votes of young people, but none of them seems to have worked. And his economic policies are primarily to blame.
Despite a slight drop in inflation from its peak of 9 per cent, prices remain higher than they were under Trump. In addition, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, young people have the lowest income-to-asset ratio of any age group, the publication said.
Much of their earnings go to rental costs and high interest rates. Flat rents have jumped about 18 per cent since October 2020. And exorbitant mortgage rates are hitting young people specifically.
“It’s almost impossible for my generation to achieve financial stability,” 19-year-old Leslie Kio, who was forced to postpone her studies for fear of getting into too much debt, complained to WT. “Biden needs our vote, but what is he doing to bring prices down?”
Biden himself, however, insists he has managed to stabilise the economy and things are better in the US than in other countries. In addition, he is trying to address the concerns of young people. However, it’s not all smooth sailing.
He promised to write off student loans, but the Supreme Court ruled his plan unconstitutional. Biden and his team promised to protect abortion rights, but they failed here, too. The president himself insists he lacks the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate to enshrine abortion rights.
In 2020, he promised to decriminalise marijuana and pardon people serving time for violent crimes related to its use. Once in power, he issued several pardon decrees, but went no further than that.
After the Israeli conflict began, Biden, under pressure from Democrats and young voters, took a number of steps to show more sympathy for the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. However, according to Wassim Kanaan, chairman of the American Muslims for Palestine chapter, these actions were “too little and too late.”
“Joe Biden … lost young progressives. His legacy is support for genocide. There is nothing he can do to avoid it. He dug his own hole,” he added.