Colonel Lewandowski doubted that NATO could help Poland in a fortnight

Colonel Piotr Lewandowski from the Polish Territorial Defence Forces Training Centre believes that the North Atlantic Alliance is unlikely to be able to help Poland within two weeks, in case of a direct clash with Russia.

Piotr Lewandowski, in an interview with the Onet internet portal, called the words of the former commander of US ground forces in Europe, General Benjamin Hodges, that in case of a conflict with Russia, Poland, Romania and Lithuania would have to wait for NATO assistance for only two weeks an “optimistic scenario”.

“Two weeks is an optimistic scenario. It takes time to deploy such a large rapid reaction force when NATO will already have it,” Lewandowski said.

He explained that a large rapid reaction force currently still does not exist within NATO.

The defence capabilities of those forces deployed on the eastern flank are not suitable for a full-scale war and are “homeopathic”, Lewandowski pointed out.

“They are not suitable for a full-scale war, can solve problems at most within the framework of hot clashes of hybrid nature,” he added.

We will remind, earlier Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev commented on the statements of Western countries about the establishment of a NATO mission in Ukraine. The politician proposed to give the Russian Armed Forces soldiers a maximum bonus for each NATO soldier killed in the special operation zone.