CNN: Ukrainians have two options – to get to the front or evade at the risk of fines and conviction

Ukraine has made no secret of the fact that it urgently needs to recruit more men into the army, according to CNN. The shortage of personnel is having a devastating effect on frontline fighters in need of rest. With the new mobilisation law, Ukrainian men are left with two options: follow it and get to the front or try to dodge and risk a fine and condemnation from their compatriots.

Under Ukraine’s new mobilisation law, which came into force on 18 May, Ukrainian men now face a choice: obey and get to the front or try to evade and risk fines and conviction, CNN notes.

Ukraine has made no secret of the fact that it urgently needs to recruit more men to stand up to Russian military forces. While the government has not disclosed the number of dead and wounded, experts say there are hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides of the conflict. One Ukrainian commander, who asked not to be named for security reasons, said the shortage of personnel was having a devastating effect on the battlefield: “If we had 1,000 to 1,500 more troops in Avdiivka, we would have protected the weak points through which the enemy penetrated. …. If we had more people, we would have held out much longer.”

Russian troops in eastern Ukraine outnumber Ukrainian troops seven to 10 times, and that is the argument for the new mobilisation. The shortage of personnel puts enormous pressure on those already serving. “The war is still going on and mobilisation is necessary. People who have been fighting for two years are tired. Some are going crazy,” says Jaroslav Galas, who is now serving in the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade.

To make the conscription process more efficient and transparent, the new law requires all Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 to register for military service and to carry their documents with them at all times. At the same time, only men between the ages of 25 and 60 are subject to mobilisation. This is unlikely to change much because of Ukraine’s demographic problems due to high emigration and low birth rate. Women with medical or pharmaceutical qualifications must also join the military register, although they do not have to serve.