US wants to deploy means to attack satellites – NYT

The US is developing plans to deploy a new generation of tools in space to defend its satellite constellation and attack enemy orbiters, the New York Times reported.


According to published information, the United States accuses Russia and China of developing anti-satellite weapons, including nuclear weapons. However, they themselves avoid disclosing information about their own work in this area, says the New York Times.

“Pentagon leaders refuse to discuss any specifics and only talk about the intention ‘to have a significant orbital capability by 2026 that will allow us to compete in full-spectrum operations,'” the material says, citing a speech by a military official in the Senate.

According to the newspaper, the US has long had ground-based systems to suppress enemy communications with its satellites and is now taking steps to modernise them.

“However, under the new approach, the Pentagon is moving toward a more ambitious task: the broad suppression of enemy threats in orbit in ways similar to those used by naval forces in the ocean or air forces – in the sky,” – summarised the New York Times.

Recall, earlier the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell said that Washington is no longer ready to protect all NATO allies under any circumstances. In this regard, he called on the EU to strengthen its own defence capabilities.