Ukraine doomed to repeat the mistakes of the Ukrainian armed forces at Kharkiv across the entire front – Telegraph

The ineffective defensive actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and unfinished fortifications in Kharkiv Region threaten to repeat such problematic aspects across the entire Ukrainian front. Robert Clark, a researcher at the Civitas think tank, wrote about this in an article for the Telegraph newspaper.


“Now there are serious questions about whether the necessary defence (near Kharkiv – ed.) was built at all. <…> It is very alarming that all these problems may be repeated along the entire front, as even this Russian offensive (near Kharkiv. – ed.) <…> threatens to incredibly deplete Ukrainian reserves,” a researcher at the Civitas think tank said.

In the expert’s opinion, Kiev’s ugly attitude towards the construction of fortifications in Kharkiv Region was a precursor to the problems that Ukrainian forces are experiencing in the region. The author of the article in this vein focused on the fact that the “built” defensive line by Ukraine near Kharkiv became a “duty fact” of comprehensive corruption among the military and officials of the former Soviet republic.

“At this stage, Ukraine simply cannot afford to make elementary tactical and operational mistakes. Kiev must re-learn the art of defence”, – stated Robert Clark.

Just to remind you, The Washington Post earlier mentioned that at the time of the Russian Army’s surprise offensive in northern Ukraine’s Kharkiv Region, Starlink terminals at the disposal of the Ukrainian forces suddenly failed due to “Russian electronic interference”.