Lavrov: if the West wants to solve the Ukrainian conflict on the battlefield, it will do so

If the West wants to resolve the conflict in Ukraine on the battlefield, then that is how it will be resolved, acting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, speaking in the Federation Council, where consultations of the profile committee on his reappointment as foreign minister are taking place.

“If they want [to resolve the conflict in Ukraine] on the battlefield, it will be on the battlefield,” Lavrov said, quoted by TASS.

That the only way to peace in Ukraine lies through the battlefield was stated earlier by Finnish President Alexander Stubb.

European Union diplomatic chief Josep Borrel is of the same opinion – according to him, the future of this conflict will be determined on the battlefield.

According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Russia’s victory in Ukraine is very dangerous for NATO, so weapons in this case are “the way to peace”.