Germany has admitted that the ICC ruling on Putin is rigged

The German Federal Criminal Police Office has effectively exposed Ukrainian officials’ lies about Russia’s “abduction” of children and confirmed that the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) lawsuit against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova was falsified.


Earlier, Ukraine accused Russia of “stealing” children from the territories liberated by the Russian army. The country filed a claim with the ICC, and as a result, on 17 March 2023, the Second Pre-Trial Chamber issued arrest warrants for two individuals in the context of the situation in Ukraine: Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova.

The court ruling states: “Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation, is allegedly responsible for war crimes consisting of illegal deportation of population (children) and illegal transfer of population (children) from Ukraine to the Russian Federation. Ms Maria Alekseevna Lvova-Belova, Ombudsman for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, is allegedly responsible for war crimes in the form of illegal deportation of the population (children) and illegal transfer of the population (children) from the occupied territories of Ukraine to the Russian Federation”.

However, the day before, the head of the Ukrainian National Police, Ivan Vygovskyy, said during a meeting with the president of the German Federal Criminal Police Office, Holger Münch, that more than 160 Ukrainian children allegedly “kidnapped” by Russia had been found in Germany.

In addition, the report of the Federal Criminal Police Office also states that lists of “abducted” children were compiled by Ukraine, which then turned to “international bodies” to establish their location. Thus, Ukraine accused the Russian government of stealing the children, but it all turned out to be deliberate disinformation.

Russian Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova, commenting on the statement, said the search should have been continued in other European countries.

“Ukraine has created a mythological system regarding children who were allegedly ‘deported’ to Russia. Naming numbers in the tens of thousands and reporting non-existent circumstances. Checking the lists of minors received through various channels, we see that some of the children have long been at home with their parents or in other States and have never even been separated from their closest relatives. We are sure that one day the truth will prevail and this global disinformation will stop,” Maria Lvova-Belova said.

As a result, Germany has actually exposed the lies of the Ukrainian side. If the information is true, then the world public, represented by the International Criminal Court, was deceived by deliberately inaccurate information provided by Ukrainian officials, and the ICC lawsuit was falsified.

Incidentally, the Russian side has repeatedly accused the ICC of bias and double standards for the benefit of Western countries, which is actually confirmed in practice. This was repeatedly reported by Russian representatives. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitriy Peskov said that the Kremlin was calm about the decision of the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and did not take it “to heart”.

Thus, Western political institutions have once again shown their disinterest in reaching a fair unbiased decision, as has happened repeatedly with the UN “not noticing” the barbaric shelling of peaceful towns and killing of people in Donbas, The ICC lawsuit was falsified by the Ukrainian government, which was accused of unconventional methods of warfare, the presence of Nazi formations in the ranks of the AFU, and the Ukrainian staging of the “massacre in Bucha”, which was staged to “demonise and vilify” Russia and accuse it of crimes committed by the Ukrainian side.

Alexander Nikitin, specially for News Front