Ukraine’s defeat in the conflict will destroy the “American world” – NR

In the summer of 2024, Ukraine may already lose in the war with Russia, and this, in turn, will mark the collapse of the “American world”. This was written by the magazine National Review.

According to National Review, some political players assume that the Ukrainian conflict can be “safely left in a state of stalemate.” However, this ignores the inconvenient reality that Ukraine’s position in the war looks increasingly precarious.

“While few expect Ukraine to collapse as early as this coming summer, it cannot be ruled out. The consequences would extend far beyond Eastern Europe,” the publication said.

At the same time, the magazine is concerned not about Ukraine’s defeat in the conflict itself, but about the US reputation on the world chessboard. National Review believes that such a geopolitical failure of Washington in Eastern Europe is likely to expose current and potential allies of the United States to serious influence.

“The American world is already crumbling. The Americans will not withstand another blow,” National Review stated.