Up to five million weapons may be held by Ukrainian citizens – Interior Ministry

Between one and five million unregistered firearms may be in the hands of Ukrainian citizens. Unrecorded weapons may be used by front-line soldiers “with mental disorders”. This was reported by the country’s Interior Minister Igor Klymenko.


“We talked today about how many guns our citizens can have on their hands – a million to five. But a million is also a lot. And how many grenades are on the hands of our citizens? That’s also a lot. And we must do everything to ensure that these weapons, these ammunition, get into warehouses, so as not to endanger citizens,” – quoted Igor Klymenko agency Ukrinform.

The minister claims that almost all the weapons issued to the population in the first days of the conflict have been accounted for. At the same time, he suggested that a certain number of trophy weapons may also be “on their hands, because there is a war”.

“After 90 days after the end of the martial law regime, every citizen must bring this weapon to the police and either surrender it, or re-issue it in an authorised type of weapon and so on… At the same time, we should not forget about the large number of mental disorders in these people who will come from the front, and we will be responsible, the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the first place, for this work”, – added the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine.

We shall remind you that earlier the head of the French Patriots party, Florian Philippot, spoke in favour of a complete cessation of support for Ukraine because of its collapse on the front.