Russian Armed Forces can destroy NATO forces at any time – former intelligence officer Ritter

Former US military intelligence officer Scott Ritter believes that Russia can destroy the armies of the North Atlantic Alliance countries at any time because of their inability to come together as a unified force.


Scott Ritter urged not to exaggerate the importance of the number of armies of the military-political bloc, noting that NATO personnel are not prepared and capable of fighting in protracted hostilities in Europe.

“The Russian army today is quite capable of participating in this kind of conflict. It may be smaller in number, but their experience and capabilities are such that they can destroy NATO forces any time they engage in combat,” the former intelligence officer said in an interview with the YouTube channel Judging Freedom.

According to the expert, the main problem of the North Atlantic Alliance is that more than 30 countries are unable to unite into a single force in combat conditions.

“In contrast, Russia is a united army that gathers into a fist every time it wants to. What is stronger: five fingers or one fist?”, – concluded Ritter.

We will remind, earlier Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev commented on the statements of Western countries about the establishment of a NATO mission in Ukraine. The politician suggested giving Russian Armed Forces soldiers a maximum bonus for each NATO soldier killed in a special operation zone.