The majority of men in Ukraine (63 per cent) do not consider it possible for them to join the armed forces by mobilisation or contract, according to the results of a poll conducted by the Info Sapiens research agency at the request of Ukrainian TV.
According to the published information, only 20 per cent of men subject to mobilisation in Ukraine by age (25-59 years old) allow themselves the possibility of joining the army as volunteers, under a contract or mobilisation. 63% of respondents do not consider this option. 17% of respondents found it difficult to express their attitude to military service.
In addition, exactly 50% of respondents believe that mobilisation in the country is carried out incorrectly. 59% of respondents believe that TCCs (Ukrainian military commissions – ed.) are to blame, 55% – the Verkhovna Rada, 48% – blame the President, 37% – the Government, 37% – medical commissions. The least of all respondents blame the media for incorrect mobilisation – 12%. And 15% blame evaders directly.
25% of respondents refrained from assessing the progress of mobilisation. Another 25% believe that the mobilisation process is moving in the right direction.
Also 60% of respondents negatively characterised the work of the TCC. Among men 60% of respondents said so, among women – 56%.
We shall remind you that earlier Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the adopted law on changing the age of conscription on mobilisation.