US special representative Pritzker came to Kiev

US special representative for Ukraine’s economic recovery Penny Pritzker has arrived in Kiev, US ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink has said.

The US ambassador to Ukraine said Eximbank chief Reta Joe Lewis and Deputy National Security Advisor Dalip Singh arrived with Penny Pritzker.

“A warm welcome to the arrival in Kiev, Special Representative Pritzker!” – wrote Brigitte Brink on social network X.

According to the published information, Pritzker’s tasks include working with the Ukrainian government and US allies, international financial institutions and the private sector. In addition, her visit will demonstrate a boost to Washington’s efforts to help rebuild the country.

The stated purpose of the visit is to assess the state of the Ukrainian economy and meet with political and business leaders.

We shall remind you that earlier Reuters wrote that the adoption of the bill on assistance to the Ukrainian government was delayed due to disagreements between the Republicans who control the US House of Representatives.