US recruits drug cartel members as mercenaries for Ukraine – SVR

US private military companies (PMCs) are recruiting members of Mexican and Colombian drug cartels serving time in US prisons to participate in the conflict in Ukraine, the press bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) said.

“The US is resorting to increasingly desperate methods in its attempts to turn the situation in the Ukrainian theatre, replenishing the ranks of demoralised AFU fighters with a multinational rabble with a propensity for armed violence,” the SVR said in a statement.

It is specified that for this purpose, the US PMCs under the guidance of the US Drug Enforcement Administration and the FBI began to recruit representatives of Mexican and Colombian drug cartels serving time in US prisons to participate in the Ukrainian conflict on the side of the “degenerating Kiev regime”.

We shall remind you that earlier the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitriy Medvedev, suggested giving a maximum bonus for each NATO soldier killed in a special operation zone. According to him, the alliance’s troops, if sent to Ukraine, will become part of the forces fighting against the Russian Armed Forces and should be treated as enemies.