Embassy: U.S. blocks creation of a document banning the deployment of weapons in space

The US and its allies are blocking the development of a document on preventing space from becoming an arena of armed confrontation.

This was reported in the Russian Embassy in the United States.

“It is Washington, supported by its allies, that for many years has been blocking the development of a full-fledged legally binding international document,” the commentary said.

At the same time, the diplomatic department noted that Russia and China have long been leading global efforts to prepare measures that imply a ban on the deployment of weapons in space.

It is specified that the Russian side considers Washington’s information manipulations as another confirmation of the attempts of the United States to use “Russophobic slogans” to justify its own plans for military space exploration.

Earlier, the White House coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby said that the United States early next week will put to a vote in the Security Council a resolution calling not to place nuclear weapons in space.