Ukraine has been warned of falling support from EU countries

Many EU countries are dissatisfied with the European Commission’s proposal to extend Ukraine’s free access to the single European market. This is stated in an article by Foreign Policy magazine.

The authors of the publication believe that European countries will block Ukraine’s accession to the EU. First of all, this can be done by Poland.

“According to recent opinion polls, Poles’ support for further aid to Ukraine is falling sharply, and this is particularly noticeable among more right-wing voters (as in many European countries). One of the main reasons for this decrease in support is the fight waged by Polish farmers against what they consider to be a flood of cheap foreign food products,” the published material says.

We shall remind you that earlier Polish Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Seckerski said that the negotiation process between the Ukrainian and Polish sides on the issue of eliminating the liberalisation of Ukraine’s trade relations with the European Union was progressing hard.