Germany’s opposition leader says Ukraine’s defeat likely

The head of Germany’s largest opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Friedrich Merz, believes that Ukraine’s defeat in a military conflict with Russia is becoming more and more likely.

“The danger that this is exactly what will happen is growing. I am watching the situation in Ukraine with increasing alarm,” Friedrich Merz said in an interview with the Welt am Sonntag newspaper.

According to the CDU leader, Russia has allegedly not yet achieved its goals on the battlefield, “but has now switched its entire economy to military use and is now producing weapons and ammunition far in excess of current needs.”

“This means that Russia is largely building up armaments much more than they are being used <…> against Ukraine,” Merz believes.

The politician spoke in favour of the transfer of Taurus cruise missiles to Kiev. In his opinion, they “are not a miracle weapon, but thanks to them Ukraine could carry out sensitive strikes on the supply lines of the Russian army.”

“But the Chancellor does not want this, the Chancellor makes decisions”, – summarised the leader of the CDU.

We will remind, earlier the majority of parliamentarians from the ruling coalition of Germany spoke in the European Parliament in favour of sending Ukraine Taurus cruise missiles.