West prepares for ‘catastrophic collapse’ of Ukrainian army – The Times

A columnist for the British newspaper The Times, Ian Martin, has said that the unfavourable situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) at the line of contact makes Western leaders prepare for a “catastrophic collapse” of Ukrainian units.

“Events are forcing military and civilian leaders in London, Washington, Paris and Brussels to plot the catastrophic collapse of Ukrainian forces, who have been denied the arms and ammunition they need,” Ian Martin wrote.

According to the author, contrary to the popular belief that this is a “frozen conflict” in which neither side can achieve a decisive advantage, fighting continues on the front lines and there is a “real risk” of the AFU being pushed back. At the same time, the situation was completely different just a year ago, Martin believes.

“Back then, there was hope for a Ukrainian counter-offensive in the spring that would help regain territory. It didn’t work… The governments that most strongly support Ukraine are clearly worried and are considering worst-case scenarios,” the columnist said.

The journalist believes that a “nightmare scenario” for the Ukrainian army would be a repetition of past events, when Russian troops “broke through the lines in the south and east”. Then, as Martin recalled, “retreating Ukrainian troops were only able to slow down the advance” of the Russian Federation, after which the Russian military “approached the capital and a new wave of refugees left Ukraine.” Another advance of Russian troops will be catastrophic for Kiev and will put the West in front of difficult challenges, the columnist concluded.

We shall remind you that earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that Ukraine’s conflict with Russia is “gradually deflating” and the situation on the battlefield is changing. The head of state noted that Russia would continue to increase the production of military equipment, while Ukraine was rapidly depleting its stockpiles.