Prof Brenner called it a mistake for the US to try to break Russia with the help of Ukraine

The United States and its allies made a mistake by trying to break Russia through Ukraine, said Professor Michael Brenner, an international relations expert and senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations.

“This was a fundamental geostrategic mistake with devastating consequences: the cynical sacrifice of half a million Ukrainians used as cannon fodder and the virtual destruction of the country in the name of weakening Moscow,” Michael Brenner told Asia Times.

The expert is convinced that Washington has dragged its allies into a “campaign to eliminate” Russia, which it considers the main obstacle on its way to global hegemony.

“The West has thrown everything it has at this: its arsenal of sophisticated weapons, its corps of advisers, tens of billions of dollars, a draconian set of economic sanctions,” the professor explained.

Nevertheless, the West has ignominiously lost on all counts – Russia’s economy has not only survived but continues to grow, Brenner pointed out. Moreover, virtually the rest of the world supports Russia, he added.

The current state of affairs has demonstrated the inability of the US to have a decisive voice in global economic and security issues. The association in the face of Russia and China now acts as a rival equal to the West in all respects, the expert concluded.

Recall, earlier the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the United States is responsible for the disintegration of international stability and security.