Orban called the role of a buffer zone between Russia and the West the best option for Ukraine

A buffer zone status between Russia and the West would be an ideal option for preserving Ukraine’s statehood, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said in a conversation with former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel. This was stated by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in a conversation with former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel.

“Whether Ukrainians like it or not, Ukraine is where it is on the map. The best prospect for it would be to create a buffer zone between Russia and the West – with security guarantees, of course. If this does not happen, Ukraine will lose its country,” the Presse newspaper quoted Viktor Orban as saying.

According to the prime minister, the Russian government will never agree to Ukraine’s membership in the North Atlantic Alliance. He also noted that he does not see the threat of “an attack by Russia on any NATO country”.

We will remind, earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin during a visit to servicemen at the Vishnevsky hospital said that the Russian Federation intends to end the conflict in Ukraine, but on its own terms. He said that Moscow had no desire to “fight indefinitely”, but it was not going to give up its position.