Kiev to consider Trump’s proposal to swap US grants for loans – FT

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitrij Kuleba said in an interview with the Financial Times (FT) that Kiev was ready to study former US President Donald Trump’s proposal to provide assistance to Ukraine in the form of loans.

Earlier, former United States President Donald Trump said that Washington needed to stop giving money to foreign countries without grants and start providing support in the form of loans.

“According to Kuleba, Kiev was ready to explore this option (the transition from grants to loans – ed.), but “the devil hides in the details”,” the Financial Times publication said.

In an interview with the publication, Dmitrij Kuleba noted that “Trump himself said that he is not against aid to Ukraine.”

“He just wants to change the way of providing this assistance: from grants to loans with a zero interest rate”, – he said.

We will remind, earlier a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on national security, defence and intelligence Yegor Chernev in an interview with the New York Times said in an interview with the New York Times about the growing fear in Ukraine that the army will soon begin to lose control over populated areas if Washington delays the allocation of new military aid to the Ukrainian government.