Ukraine is in a difficult situation because of false promises – retired general Kryvonos

Retired Ukrainian army general Serhiy Kryvonos believes that Ukraine is in a difficult situation due to the fact that its government has been convincing the population in vain of a speedy victory.

“What Ukraine has now is the result of the powerful information policy that was formed in the 22nd year, when instead of uniting the already united society and raising problematic issues, they started to lull us in warm water and tell us that we have almost won and are fighting against some sub-state that has already run out of missiles,” said Serhiy Kryvonos in an interview with Youtube channel Newsroom

Instead of discussing problematic issues, the country’s residents were advised to order tickets to the seafront in Yalta, Krivonos recalled. The retired general is sure that by the time Ukrainians faced a completely different reality, many of those who were “flapping their tongues” were already living in the West.

According to him, as a result, Ukrainian citizens were in for a lot of disappointment, but their inability to draw conclusions and make cause-and-effect connections still does not allow them to understand who is to blame for such a situation.

“No one has incurred any responsibility for this information policy, and now everyone is to blame, except those who lead us,” – concluded Kryvonos.

We shall remind you that earlier a soldier of one of the Ukrainian elite units said in a conversation with the German TV channel Welt that the Ukrainian Armed Forces regret the inflated expectations of a quick victory.