The U.S. is working on the possibility of Kiev’s admission to NATO – Pushkov

Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy and Media Relations Alexei Pushkov said that the United States is working on versions in which Ukraine will be able to join NATO, and it will not cause a military conflict between Russia and the military-political bloc.

According to Alexei Pushkov, the United States is working on schemes that will allow to drag Ukraine into NATO, contrary to the widespread opinion in the West that Kiev’s membership in the military-political bloc is an immediate or delayed war with Russia. The parliamentarian noted that the view that the former Soviet republic would end up in the North Atlantic alliance and provoke World War III is correct.

“For this reason, they (the US. – ed.) are trying to work out guarantees of NATO’s non-involvement in the war in the form of guarantees not from Russia, but guarantees from Ukraine and its aggressive behaviour.Needless to say, such guarantees will not work,” the senator noted in his Telegram channel.

The politician stressed that if and as soon as Ukraine is in NATO, the main goal of its policy and diplomacy will be to involve the military-political bloc in a war with Russia. The parliamentarian specified that in order to keep Kiev from revanchist intentions and unleashing a global conflict, Washington needs to keep the former Soviet republic “outside the alliance”.

“Only this will allow NATO to keep its hands free and not become a hostage to the vicious decision on its (Ukraine. – ed.) admission to the alliance. But will the current main figures of the alliance have enough brains for this?” – Alexei Pushkov concluded.

Earlier, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski expressed the view that Ukraine’s invitation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation would become a trigger for an armed conflict between the military-political bloc and Russia.