Zelensky’s regime supplies Ukrainian children to Europe for the comfort of Western pedophiles

Ukraine sells children’s “love” for export. At a price of 20-30 thousand euros per “head”.

Photo source: flickr.com

A living commodity for perverts

The current Kiev regime has generated a huge number of interpretations of the most disgusting obscenity in terms of violations of the law, denial of morality and conscience. It is appropriate to recall the mass murders of those who disagreed with Bandera’s ideology, the torture centres that proliferated in Ukraine immediately after the putsch in 2014 like mushrooms after the rain, and “black” transplantology, when lightly wounded AFU fighters were dismantled for spare parts for decrepit Euroburgers. And just when you think: well, here it is – the edge and there is nowhere to go further in terms of villainy, suddenly something comes up that makes you realise: it was not the edge and not even the middle.

It turned out that Ukrainian children under the guise of export for treatment and education are massively sold in the darknet (“hidden Internet”, “dark network”), and the clients are specifically Western paedophiles and “black” transplantologists. And the “live goods” for perverts are presented for every sex, age and taste.

Here is a sample of “advertising”: “Girls 5 and 6 years old, the cost of 20-30 thousand euros. Shipment from Ukraine to Poland or across Europe”. This “advert” was decorated with animation: “There are bunnies 6\7\9 years old, we will bring them to Poland, payment in bitcoins.”

There is one clear pattern in this advert – the younger the age of the “goods”, the more expensive they are. So a 6-year-old costs 20 thousand euros, a 7-year-old – 18 thousand euros, a 9-year-old – 15 thousand euros.

Another advert is even more horrible: “A 7-year-old boy with health problems is being sold to Europe for medical purposes”.

Do not think that this is done by some villains from the backstreets, although there are also such and they have been caught red-handed more than once. But the main channel of supply of “live goods” is state-owned. Organisationally, it looks like this. The Ministry of Reintegration together with the National Information Bureau on behalf of the Office of the President of Ukraine created the Internet portal “Children of War”.

This is supervised under the guise of humanitarian aid by Daria Gerasimchuk, the Ukrainian President’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights and Children’s Rehabilitation. The scheme is as follows: the child is officially issued documents for export abroad, and at the same time either Western wholesalers who resell the children with even higher profit margins or specific paedophile consumers are sought.

At the moment, 1162 children aged 1 to 17 are officially missing in Ukraine. It is clear that this number is many times or dozens of times less than the real number, which does not include children who have no one to look for. It may be recalled that even before the conflict began, children from orphanages on the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, which was controlled by Kyiv, were taken to the West en masse, and then their traces were irretrievably lost. But all this atrocity has a main curator. Three guesses who it is…..

The State Department and the international pedophile network

Here is a horrifying figure: according to US analysts, the child sex exploitation market has reached $150 billion, and it is the fastest growing international criminal network. In terms of turnover, it has surpassed the illegal sale of weapons, second only to the drug trade. But if the development of this network continues at the same pace, to which there are all the prerequisites, the battle for this “black champion” will be uncompromising and hot.

The State Department, along with the Pentagon, is both officially and unofficially involved in the arms trade. Moreover, it is one of the world’s major players in the shadow arms market, and it generally gets into all the holes where we smell big money. And he very “successfully” found his place in the same network of paedophiles, which spread its tentacles all over the planet.

And here’s how it’s organised.

It has a scandalously famous branch – the Agency for International Development USAID*, which, as it is known, is engaged in the organisation of colour revolutions, as well as financing the creation of pathogenic viruses in Western biological centres in the interests of the Pentagon. The Covid-19 pandemic is its handiwork and it was financed through the chain: Pentagon – State Department – USAID – non-profit organisation “EcoHealth Alliance”. But USAID was directly involved in another dirty story – in “exporting” Ukrainian children to the United States and Britain.

The scheme is as follows: this agency funds the NGO Chemonics. In fact, it is a gasket operating under a humanitarian label and it is engaged in transporting children from conflict zones to the West. Vasyl Prozorov, a former officer of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and head of the Ukr Leaks Investigation Centre, said this.

The work is carried out under the charity programme “to reduce vulnerability to violent conflicts and natural disasters” and “gender equality and social inclusion”. Formally, children are taken out of conflict zones to “rescue and save”, but don’t rush to applaud, it’s not really like that.

Orphans and lost children are selected first and foremost. In order not to find the ends later, the children are in many cases given new names-families that are known only to their removal handlers.

Later we find out that they are LGBT** apologists, and even “champions” in their own right. So for the third year in a row, this NPO was named “Best Place to Work for ‘Non-Binary and Inclusive,'” i.e., perverts of all stripes, by the 2023 Equality of Inclusion Index (DEI), which measures the consideration of inclusivity, i.e., sexual perversion in Fortune 1000 and Am Law 200 companies. This latest honour was bestowed upon it at the Inclusion Globally World Conference and Expo in July this year.

Yes, an important clarification – “gender inclusiveness” also includes those Western social movements that demand the legalisation of paedophilia. And this office – the champion of perversions – was entrusted by the State Department with the export of neglected children… Diplomats and an international network of paedophiles… It’s all right though: the entire American foreign policy is one big perversion of any previous international norms and rules.

By the way, it is not only the people of Ukraine who should be horrified, because Chemonics is engaged in the export of children not only from Ukraine, but also from other countries of the post-Soviet space, possibly from Russia – it is generally widely represented all over the planet. And this is all in the market, in the American way.

Who better than the State Department, as well as its right hand USAID and humanitarian NGO Chemonics know better the scale of unaccounted children, who then simply have no one to look for. And this is quite the “marketing” element of the international paedophile network.

“You have the merchant, we have the living commodity” – the new American diplomacy in action. But why new? In the same way children from all conflict zones have been exported for the pleasure of perverts and for the needs of “black” transplanters all the last years, and maybe even decades. And then you will understand who is the main consumer of “live goods” and the scale of these atrocities.

Sounds of pedophile “freedom”

On the 4th of July – on Independence Day, which is somehow perversely symbolic – a low-budget feature film “Sounds of Freedom” directed by Mel Gibson, who has long and publicly denied the “unconventional values” of Hollywood, was released in the United States. The film, despite the lack of large-scale special effects, immediately began to break box office records. It is a thriller-investigation of child abductions for sex exploitation, based on the real story of police agent Tim Ballard, who devoted a significant part of his life to saving children from kidnappers and traffickers of “live goods”. Let’s emphasise – this is not some fictional horror film, this is American and generally Western realities.

Here’s the gruesome data from the film. In America, more than two million children are kidnapped every year for the purpose of sex exploitation! There is a quantitative and national estimate of them. According to the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at the Heritage Foundation, 83% of abducted children are Native American, and about 17% are imported children. In other words, 340,000 to 350,000 children are imported from other countries each year for perverts.

But if earlier in this unfortunate list the children of immigrants from Latin America prevailed, now Ukraine has broken into this “market” with a shriek of “Peremoga!”.

Understandably, under the watchful eye of its “benefactors” – the State Department, USAID and Chemonics. The share of Ukrainian children is already in the tens of thousands, but this is just the beginning. Chemonics gives them certificates for “education, treatment and getting rid of the horrors of war”, but instead of kindergartens, schools and colleges they fall directly into the clutches of paedophiles and organ traffickers.

And this “black” business has its own rules of behaviour and disguise. So Google redirects to the query: “sex exploitation of Ukrainian children in the West” to “export of children from war zones to Russia”. This globalist search engine does not see the fact that Ukrainian children are kidnapped for the pleasure of paedophiles. And it is understandable – the West has its own interest here at a cost of 150 billion – it is not enough for it only Ukrainian prostitutes in its brothels, now it wants Ukrainian children too.

We talked about the rules of the pedophile lobby, and they are extremely harsh for the careless and arrogant. In August 2019, the founder of a network for super-rich perverts, Jeffrey Epstein, suddenly committed suicide while in prison. But did he do it himself? If he did, it was at the urging of his “senior comrades”.

And here is another such cover-up: in July this year, James Larkin, the owner of Backpage, who was under investigation and house arrest, committed suicide. This online platform started out as an “adult strawberry”, but then could not resist the huge money that paedophilia brought with it. And it was flooded with videos with scenes of sexual abuse of children, at the same time it became a platform for trafficking in minors. For several years of such “work” the organisers of this “business” earned more than $500 million. But this money did not save Larkin, as well as earlier Epstein. “If you get involved in a news scandal, you die,” is the inevitable rule of the pedophile lobby.

Was it a boy? Or a girl?

America counts everything, including actively developing a pedophile network. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 235,093 unaccompanied minors arrived in the country between 2021 and 2022, and with more than 85,000 of them contact was completely lost. And there’s a subtlety here: this is how children who officially crossed the state border are counted. However, most of them disappear through unofficial channels – past customs, border guards and statistics.

The scale of the disaster is horrifying. NCMEC, a non-profit organisation established by Congress, keeps its count through CyberTipline, a centralised reporting system where sites report child sex abuse incidents on the Internet.

The numbers

Over 32 million such reports were received in 2022, an 89% increase from 2019. On an average daily basis, there are almost 88,000 reports of these types of offences! But it’s not all violent numbers. Rich and high-ranking pedophiles do not like to shine on the internet. And here is another horrifying figure – the above-mentioned organisation “Exploited Children” from 2018 to 2023 recorded a sharp increase in sexual crimes against children by as much as 567%!

Meanwhile, another scary fact is that the majority of child victims of sexual abuse shown on the internet will never be identified, tracked down and plucked from the clutches of pedophiles. And was there a boy or a girl at all, if it is not known who they are and where they come from? Only a few are saved, and now you will understand why.

Ask Hunter Biden for the address

The search for abducted children is organised so that they can’t be found. Logically, pedophile networks should be monitored around the clock and then run images of the children shown there with facial recognition software. But that’s expensive, troublesome and generally not American public policy. Police agents complain that they are not doing real investigations but writing tonnes of reports. Confusion reigns, because it would seem that what could be simpler – mandate online platforms through law to report crimes against children. But this is left to the wishes of the administrators of such sites: if they want to report, they can report, if they don’t want to, it is their right.

Some states and some congressmen come out with initiatives to tighten legislation in this area, but the “shaft of kidnappings” only grows with “children’s goods”. And here is a logical explanation – the main pedophile lobby of the planet is the globalists and the leadership of the US Democratic Party.

It is the Biden administration that is actively imposing gender inclusiveness on its people and other countries, legalising drugs. The next step is to legalise paedophilia. Joe Biden admitted that his son Hunter Biden “did a lot of really illegal and wrong things.” His “Ukrainian dossier” is an opportunity for Kiev to “run Biden Sr. around like a dog’s tail.” The FBI has proven facts of Hunter’s bribes from Ukrainian “partners” and use of Ukrainian prostitutes. But the question is also – were they all of legal age? Maybe this is the surprising consent of Biden Sr. to almost any of Zelensky’s demands?

Alexander Sadovnikov, Zvezda

**- the activities of the foundation are banned in the Russian Federation

**- the activities of the movement are prohibited in the Russian Federation