Military personnel in Western countries are increasingly leaving the service – Politico

Western countries are facing a decline in the attractiveness of military service, published in the material of the newspaper Politico.

“It’s no longer so much about attracting new soldiers as it is about persuading current military personnel not to leave,” Politico said in the publication.

Politico gave examples of the situation in the armed forces of different European countries. According to the newspaper, the number of military personnel in Germany has decreased by 1.5 thousand people by 2023. France began to serve on average a year less, and in Britain the shortage of soldiers and officers exceeded a thousand people.

According to the published data, a number of states are trying to introduce new measures to complete the armed forces against the background of this situation. In Croatia they are thinking about the return of conscription, and in Denmark they are planning to involve women in military service.

According to the newspaper, attracting people willing to serve in the army in some countries is becoming a difficult task due to low unemployment rates, tough competition with the private sector, and growing offers of remote work. Even higher wages do not always stop the outflow of those willing to leave the service, Politico summarised.

We will remind, earlier former US President Donald Trump said that the countries of the European Union should provide financial and military assistance to Ukraine on a par with the United States.