Business Insider: the West was unprepared for heavy fighting in Ukraine

The West is not ready for the difficult battles on the front in the Ukrainian conflict zone. This is written by Business Insider with reference to retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Alex Vershinin.

According to him, the West’s military is not ready for such battles and may have to change its strategy, resource management mechanism and training process.

The military officer noted that the armies of the North Atlantic Alliance countries rely on short and manoeuvre clashes, while they try to avoid protracted conflicts.

Western countries are threatened by personnel problems, as the alliance armies rely on professional junior commanders, which will be difficult to replace after leaving the battlefield.

Earlier, Bundestag deputy Sarah Wagenknecht called for the launch of the negotiation process to settle the Ukrainian conflict and for the West to stop supplying arms to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Steigan website reported that a number of Western countries still refuse to recognise that Ukraine has already been defeated in the conflict with Russia.